/* ================================================ ----------- Venedor ---------- */ (function ($) { "use strict"; // Check for Mobile device var mobileDetected; if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { mobileDetected = true; } else { mobileDetected = false; } // Check for placeholder support jQuery.support.placeholder = (function(){ var i = document.createElement('input'); return 'placeholder' in i; })(); // if Placeholder is not supported call plugin if (!jQuery.support.placeholder && $.fn.placeholder) { $('input, textarea').placeholder(); } // function check for window width function checkWindowWidth() { return $(window).width(); } /* ========================================= ---- Create Responsive Menu =========================================== */ var menu = $('.menu').clone(true).removeClass('menu').addClass('responsive-nav'), container = $('#responsive-nav'); container.append(menu); container.find('li, .col-2, .col-3, .col-4, .col-5').each(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.hasClass('mega-menu-container')) { $this.removeClass('mega-menu-container'); } $this.has('ul, .megamenu').prepend(''); }); $('span.menu-button').on('click', function () { var $this= $(this); if (! $this.hasClass('active')) { $(this) .addClass('active') .siblings('ul, .mega-menu') .slideDown('800'); }else { $(this) .removeClass('active') .siblings('ul, .mega-menu') .slideUp('800'); } }); $('#responsive-nav-button').on('click', function () { var $this = $(this); if( $this.hasClass('active')) { $('#responsive-nav').find('.responsive-nav').slideUp(300, function () { $this.removeClass('active'); }); }else { $('#responsive-nav').find('.responsive-nav').slideDown(300, function () { $this.addClass('active'); }); } }); // Sub menu show/hide with hoverIntent plugin if ($.fn.hoverIntent) { $('ul.menu').hoverIntent(function() { $(this).children('ul, .mega-menu').fadeIn(100); }, function() { $(this).children('ul, .mega-menu').fadeOut(50); }, 'li'); } else { $('ul.menu').find('li').mouseover(function() { $(this).children('ul, .mega-menu').css('display','block'); }).mouseout(function() { $(this).children('ul, .mega-menu').css('display','none'); }); } /* ========================================= ---- Search bar input animation for Better Responsive ----- if not empty send form =========================================== */ var formInputOpen = true; $('#quick-search').on('click', function(e) { var $this = $(this), parentForm = $this.closest('.quick-search-form'), searchInput = parentForm.find('.form-control'), searchInputVal = $.trim(searchInput.val()); if (searchInputVal === '' || searchInputVal.length < 3) { var hiddenGroup = parentForm.find(':hidden.form-group'), formGroup = parentForm.find('.form-group '); if (formInputOpen) { hiddenGroup.animate({width:'show'}, 400, function() { formInputOpen = false; }); } else { formGroup.animate({width:'hide'}, 400, function() { formInputOpen = true; }); } alert("You need to enter at least 3 letters to perform a search"); e.preventDefault(); } }); /* ========================================= ---- Item hover animation =========================================== */ function itemAnimationIn() { var $this = $(this), itemText = $this.find('.icon-cart-text'), itemWidth = $this.width(), ratingAmount = $this.find('.ratings-amount'), moreActionBtns = $this.find('.item-action-inner'); if (itemWidth < 220) { itemText.animate({width: 'hide'},100, function() { $(this).closest('.item-add-btn').addClass('icon-cart'); }); } ratingAmount.animate({width : 'show'}, 300); moreActionBtns.css({'visibility': 'visible', 'overflow': 'hidden'}).animate({width:90}, 300); } function itemAnimationOut() { var $this = $(this), itemText = $this.find('.icon-cart-text'), itemWidth = $this.width(), ratingAmount = $this.find('.ratings-amount'), moreActionBtns = $this.find('.item-action-inner'); if (itemWidth < 220) { // be careful about this duration // make sure that it is the same as below's itemText.animate({width: 'show'},300).closest('.item-add-btn').removeClass('icon-cart'); } ratingAmount.animate({width : 'hide'}, 300); moreActionBtns.animate({width:0}, 300).css({'visibility': 'hidden', 'overflow': 'hidden'}); } // Don't forget to use hoverIntent plugin for better ainmation! if ($.fn.hoverIntent) { $('.item').hoverIntent(itemAnimationIn, itemAnimationOut); } else { $('.item').on('mouseover', itemAnimationIn).on('mouseleave', itemAnimationOut); } /* ========================================= ---- Sticky Menu =========================================== */ function stickyMenu() { var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop(), windowWidth = checkWindowWidth(), header = $('#header'), navContainer = $('#main-nav-container'), navDist = navContainer.offset().top, headerHeight = header.height(); if (windowTop >= navDist && windowTop > headerHeight&& windowWidth > 768) { navContainer.addClass('fixed'); } else { navContainer.removeClass('fixed'); } } $(window).on('scroll resize', stickyMenu); /* ========================================= ---- Category-item filter color box background =========================================== */ $('.filter-color-box').each(function() { var $this = $(this), bgColor = $this.data('bgcolor'); $this.css('background-color', bgColor); }); /* ========================================= ---- Twitter Feed Plugin =========================================== */ /* if ($.fn.tweet) { $('.twitter_feed').tweet({ modpath: './twitter/', avatar_size: '', count: 2, query: "themeforest", // write feed query here loading_text: "searching twitter...", join_text: "", template: "{join}{text}{time}" /* etc... }); } */ /* ========================================= ---- FitVids.js / responsive video =========================================== */ /* Check for fitVids plugin */ if ($.fn.fitVids) { $('.video-container').fitVids(); } /* ========================================= ---- Category Price Slider =========================================== */ if ($.fn.noUiSlider) { $('#price-range').noUiSlider({ range: [0, 999], start: [0, 999], handles: 2, connect: true, step: 1, serialization: { to: [ $('#price-range-low'), $('#price-range-high') ], resolution: 1 } }); } /* ========================================= ---- Item/ Product rating =========================================== */ $.each($('.ratings-result'), function () { var $this = $(this), parentWidth = $this.closest('.ratings').width(), rating = $(this).data('result'), newWidth = (parentWidth / 100) * rating; $(this).css('width', newWidth); }); /* ========================================= ---- Floated left-right tabs menu height with Bootstrap tab plugin custom event =========================================== */ function tabMenuHeight( containerMinHeight ) { var container = $('.tab-container'), newHeight = container.find('.tab-pane.active').outerHeight(), navContainer = container.find('.nav-tabs'); if (newHeight > containerMinHeight) { navContainer.css('height', newHeight); navContainer.find('li:last-child').find('a').css('border-bottom-color', '#dcdcdc'); } else { navContainer.css('height', containerMinHeight); navContainer.find('li:last-child').find('a').css('border-bottom-color', 'transparent'); } } $(window).on('resize load', function() { var winWidth = checkWindowWidth(); if( winWidth > 767 ) { var containerMinHeight = $('.tab-container').find('ul.nav-tabs').outerHeight(); tabMenuHeight(containerMinHeight); $('.tab-container').find('ul.nav-tabs').find('a').on('shown.bs.tab', function (e) { tabMenuHeight(containerMinHeight); }); } }); /* ========================================= ---- Collapse/Accordion toggle arrows =========================================== */ // Blog Sidebar Widget Collapse with plugin's custom events $('.panel-title').on('click', function () { var $this = $(this), targetAcc = $this.find('a').attr('href'); $(targetAcc).on('shown.bs.collapse', function() { $this.find('.icon-box').html('+'); }).on('hidden.bs.collapse', function() { $this.find('.icon-box').html('−'); }); }); // Checkout Collapse//Accordion $('.accordion-btn').on('click', function() { var $this = $(this), targetAcc = $this.data('target'); $(targetAcc).on('shown.bs.collapse', function() { $this.addClass('opened'); }).on('hidden.bs.collapse', function() { if ($this.hasClass('opened')) { $this.removeClass('opened'); } }); }); /* ========================================= ---- Scroll Top Button =========================================== */ $(window).on('scroll', function () { var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop(), scrollTop = $('#scroll-top'); if (windowTop >= 300) { scrollTop.addClass('fixed'); } else { scrollTop.removeClass('fixed'); } }); $('#scroll-top').on('click', function (e) { $('html, body').animate({ 'scrollTop': 0 }, 1200); e.preventDefault(); }); /* ============================================= ----- check for element ------- existing && plugin =========================================== */ function checkSupport(elemname, pluginname) { return (elemname.length && pluginname) ? true : false; } /* ========================================= ---- Brand Slider =========================================== */ var brandSlider = $('div.brand-slider.owl-carousel'); if (checkSupport(brandSlider, $.fn.owlCarousel)) { brandSlider.owlCarousel({ items: 6, itemsDesktop : [1199,5], itemsDesktopSmall: [979,4], itemsTablet: [768,2], itemsMobile : [479,1], slideSpeed: 600, autoPlay: 10000, stopOnHover: true, navigation: false, pagination: false, responsive: true, autoHeight : true }).data('navigationBtns', ['#brand-slider-prev', '#brand-slider-next']); } /* ========================================= ---- Home Page Latest - latest-items carousel =========================================== */ var latestItems = $('.latest-items-slider.owl-carousel'); if (checkSupport(latestItems, $.fn.owlCarousel)) { latestItems.owlCarousel({ items: 4, itemsDesktop : [1199, 4], itemsDesktopSmall: [979, 3], itemsTablet: [768, 2], itemsMobile : [479, 1], slideSpeed: 800, autoPlay: 6000, stopOnHover: true, navigation: false, pagination: false, responsive: true, autoHeight : true }).data('navigationBtns', ['#latest-items-slider-prev', '#latest-items-slider-next']); 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} /* ========================================= ---- Similiar Items slider - cart.html =========================================== */ var similiarItems = $('.similiar-items-slider.owl-carousel'); if (checkSupport(similiarItems, $.fn.owlCarousel)) { similiarItems.owlCarousel({ items: 4, itemsDesktop : [1199,4], itemsDesktopSmall: [979,3], itemsTablet: [768,2], itemsMobile : [479,1], slideSpeed: 400, autoPlay: 8000, stopOnHover: true, navigation: false, pagination: false, responsive: true, mouseDrag: false, autoHeight : true }).data('navigationBtns', ['#similiar-items-slider-prev', '#similiar-items-slider-next']); } /* ========================================= ---- Related portfolio - single-portfolio.html =========================================== */ var relatedPortfolio = $('.related-portfolio.owl-carousel'); if (checkSupport(relatedPortfolio, $.fn.owlCarousel)) { relatedPortfolio.owlCarousel({ items: 4, itemsDesktop : [1199,4], itemsDesktopSmall: [979,3], itemsTablet: [768,2], itemsMobile : [479,1], slideSpeed: 400, autoPlay: 8000, stopOnHover: true, navigation: false, pagination: false, responsive: true, mouseDrag: false, autoHeight : true }).data('navigationBtns', ['#related-slider-prev', '#related-slider-next']); } /* ========================================= ---- Register OwlCarousel custom navigation buttons =========================================== */ if (checkSupport($('.owl-carousel'), $.fn.owlCarousel)) { $('.owl-carousel').each(function() { var $this = $(this), owlCarousel = $this.data('owlCarousel'), owlBtns = $this.data('navigationBtns'), prevBtn, nextBtn; if (typeof owlCarousel === 'undefined' || typeof owlBtns === 'undefined') { return; } for(var key in owlBtns) { if (owlBtns[key].indexOf('next') == -1) { prevBtn = $(owlBtns[key]); }else { nextBtn = $(owlBtns[key]); } } prevBtn.on('click touchstart', function(e) { owlCarousel.prev(); e.preventDefault(); }); nextBtn.on('click touchstart', function(e) { owlCarousel.next(); e.preventDefault(); }); }); } /* ========================================= ---- Homepage Slider =========================================== */ $('#homepage-slider').flexslider({ animation: "slide", animationLoop: true, prevText: '', nextText: '', controlNav: false, smoothHeight: true, slideshowSpeed: 6500, pauseOnAction: true, pauseOnHover: true, useCSS: false, video: false, touch: true, keyboard: false, directionNav: true, controlsContainer: '.slides' }); /* ========================================= ---- Category Banner Slider =========================================== */ $('.category-image-slider.flexslider').flexslider({ animation: "slide", animationLoop: true, prevText: '', nextText: '', controlNav: false, smoothHeight: true, slideshowSpeed: 6500 }); /* ========================================= ---- Sidebar Latest Posts Slider =========================================== */ $('.latest-posts-slider.flexslider').flexslider({ animation: "slide", selector: ".latest-posts-list > li", prevText: '', nextText: '', controlNav: false, // false smoothHeight: true, slideshowSpeed: 6000 }); /* ========================================= ---- Sidebar Latest Posts Slider =========================================== */ $('.recent-posts-slider.flexslider').flexslider({ animation: "slide", selector: ".recent-posts-list > li", prevText: '', nextText: '', controlNav: false,// false smoothHeight: true, slideshowSpeed: 5500 }); /* ========================================= ---- Sidebar Testimonials Slider =========================================== */ $('.testimonials-slider.flexslider').flexslider({ animation: "fade", selector: ".testimonials-list > li", prevText: '', nextText: '', controlNav: false, // false slideshowSpeed: 4800 }); /* ========================================= ---- Sidebar Featured Product Slider =========================================== */ $('.featured-slider.flexslider').flexslider({ animation: "slide", selector: ".featured-list > li", controlNav: false,// false prevText: '', nextText: '', smoothHeight: true, slideshowSpeed: 7000 }); /* ========================================= ---- Sidebar Related Product Slider =========================================== */ $('.related-slider.flexslider').flexslider({ animation: "slide", selector: ".related-list > li", controlNav: false,// false prevText: '', nextText: '', smoothHeight: true, slideshowSpeed: 7000 }); /* ========================================= ---- Sidebar Banner Slider =========================================== */ $('.banner-slider.flexslider').flexslider({ animation: "fade", selector: ".banner-slider-list > li", directionNav: false, // false next/prev controlNav: true, prevText: '', nextText: '', slideshowSpeed: 6500 }); /* ============================================= ----- About us section skill bars =========================================== */ if ($.fn.appear) { $('.progress-animate').appear(); $('.progress-animate').on('appear', function () { var $this = $(this), progressVal = $(this).data('width'), progressText = $this.find('.progress-text'); $this.css({ 'width' : progressVal + '%'}, 400); progressText.fadeIn(500); }); } else { $('.progress-animate').each(function () { var $this = $(this), progressVal = $(this).data('width'), progressText = $this.find('.progress-text'); $this.css({ 'width' : progressVal + '%'}, 400); progressText.fadeIn(500); }); } // Testimonials Slider - About Us Page $('.about-us-testimonials.flexslider').flexslider({ animation: "slide", controlNav: true,// false directionNav: false, animationLoop: true, smoothHeight: true, slideshowSpeed: 6000 }); /* ========================================= ---- Portfolio Filter / Isotope Plugin =========================================== */ var $container = $('.portfolio-item-container'); function CalcItemWidth() { var widthPort = $container.outerWidth(), maxCol= parseInt($container.data('max-col')), itemCol; if (widthPort > 1140) { itemCol = (maxCol >= 4) ? 4 : maxCol; } else if (widthPort > 940) { itemCol = (maxCol >= 4) ? 4 : maxCol; } else if (widthPort > 750) { itemCol = (maxCol >= 3) ? 3 : maxCol; } else if (widthPort > 520) { itemCol = (maxCol >= 2) ? 2 : maxCol; } else { itemCol = 1; } $('.portfolio-item').css('width', Math.floor((widthPort) / itemCol) - 1); } /*fix width */ CalcItemWidth(); $(window).on('resize orientationchange', CalcItemWidth); /* check for isotope - includes imagesloaded plugin */ if($.fn.isotope) { $container.imagesLoaded(function() { // initialize isotope $container.isotope({ itemSelector : '.portfolio-item', layoutMode : 'fitRows', animationEngine: 'best-available' }); // filter items when filter link is clicked $('#portfolio-filter').find('a').on('click', function(e) { var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter'); $('#portfolio-filter').find('.active').removeClass('active'); $container.isotope({ filter: selector }); $(this).addClass('active'); e.preventDefault(); }); }); } /* ========================================= ---- Portfolio prettPhoto Plugin =========================================== */ if ($.fn.prettyPhoto) { $("a[data-rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto({ hook: 'data-rel', animation_speed: 'fast', slideshow: 6000, autoplay_slideshow: true, show_title: true, deeplinking: false, social_tools: '', overlay_gallery: true, theme: 'light_square' }); } /* ========================================= ---- Flickr feed plugin - Sidebar =========================================== */ if ($.fn.jflickrfeed) { $('ul.flickr-feed-list').jflickrfeed({ limit: 6, qstrings: { id: '52617155@N08' }, itemTemplate: '
  • ' + '' + '{{title}}' + '' + '
  • ' }, function() { if ($.fn.prettyPhoto) { /* update prettyphoto plugin for feeds */ $("a[data-rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto({ hook: 'data-rel', animation_speed: 'fast', slideshow: 6000, autoplay_slideshow: true, show_title: false, deeplinking: false, social_tools: '', overlay_gallery: true, theme: 'light_square' }); } }); } /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /* Category filter sidebar custom scrollbar with jscrollpane plugin */ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ var catFilter = $('.category-filter-list.jscrollpane'), checkForScrollbar = function(a) { var catHeight = a.height(); if ( catHeight > 300 ) { a.css('height', 300); a.jScrollPane({ showArrows: false }); } }; // on document ready call plugin if section height > 300 $.each(catFilter, function () { var $this = $(this); checkForScrollbar($this); }); // Call plugin after collapse activated $('#category-filter').find('.collapse').on('shown.bs.collapse', function() { var cFilter = $(this).find('.category-filter-list.jscrollpane'); checkForScrollbar(cFilter); }); // on window resize fix scroll bar position $(window).on('resize', function () { $('.category-filter-list.jscrollpane').each(function () { var apiJsc = $(this).data('jsp'), resTime; if (!resTime) { resTime = setTimeout(function(){ if (apiJsc) { apiJsc.reinitialise(); } resTime = null; },50); } }); }); /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /* Parallax Background -- About-us page */ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ if (!mobileDetected && $.fn.parallax) { $('#page-header').addClass('parallax').parallax("50%", 0.3); $('#testimonials-section').addClass('parallax').parallax("50%", 0.3); } }(jQuery)); /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /* Google javascript api v3 -- map */ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ (function () { "use strict"; function initialize() { /* change your with your coordinates */ var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(41.039193, 28.993818), // Your coordinates mappy = { center: myLatLng, zoom: 15, scrollwheel: false, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, styles: [{ "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [{ "hue": "#000" }, { "weight": 1 }, { "saturation": -200 }, { "gamma": 0.70 }, { "visibility": "on" }] }] }; var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mappy), newpin = 'images/pin.png'; new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatLng, map: map, icon: newpin, animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP, title: 'Venedor' // Title for marker }); } if (document.getElementById("map")) { google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); } }()); function add_to_cart_by_pid(product_id) { //alert("burası 1"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://www.tekmakmakina.com/cart/add", data: {product_id:product_id, quantity: 1}, success: function() { $.get("https://www.tekmakmakina.com/cart/get_errors", function(cart) { //alert("burası 2"); //if ( window.console ) { window.console.debug( cart , "test1"); } cart = cart.trim(); //if ( window.console ) { window.console.debug( cart , "test2"); } if (cart) { alert(cart); } else { $.get("https://www.tekmakmakina.com/cart/get_list", function(cart) { //$(this).find('.dropdown-cart').stop(true, true).delay(200).slideDown(500); //$(this).find('.dropdown-cart').stop(true, true).delay(200).slideUp(500); //$('.dropdown-cart').addClass('open').delay(2000); //$('.dropdown-cart').hide(); $('#sepetdiv').html(cart); $("html,body").stop().animate({ scrollTop: "0" }, 1000); $('.dropdown-cart').addClass('open'); setTimeout(function(){ $('.dropdown-cart').removeClass('open'); },2000); }); } }); } }); return false; } function remove_by_pid(cart_id,product_id) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://www.tekmakmakina.com/cart/remove", data: {cart_id:cart_id, product_id:product_id}, cache: false, async: true, success: function (data, status, textStatus) { //console.log("Value of data:- " + data); //console.log("Value of status:- " + status); //console.log("Value of testStatus:- " + JSON.stringify(textStatus)); $.get("https://www.tekmakmakina.com/cart/get_errors", function(errors) { $("#hata-mesajlari").show().html(errors); errors = errors.trim(); if (errors) { alert(errors); console.log(errors); } else { $.get("https://www.tekmakmakina.com/cart/get_list", function(cart) { //$(this).find('.dropdown-cart').stop(true, true).delay(200).slideDown(500); //$(this).find('.dropdown-cart').stop(true, true).delay(200).slideUp(500); //$('.dropdown-cart').addClass('open').delay(2000); //$('.dropdown-cart').hide(); // $("#hata-mesajlari").html(cart); $('#sepetdiv').html(cart); $("html,body").stop().animate({ scrollTop: "0" }, 1000); $('.dropdown-cart').removeClass('open'); setTimeout(function(){ $('.dropdown-cart').addClass('open'); },2000); }); } }); } }); return false; }